About us

The Gospel Audit Project's calling and mission is to clearly explore, explain, and evaluate the arguments made in the Christian Bible attempting to substantiate the claim that Jesus is the Jewish Messiah from the Hebrew Bible as evidence, using interpretive methods that Christians widely adhere to.

The problem

In Western Culture, Christianity is the de facto religion, with it's holy writ being the Bible. If you ask someone in Los Angeles who the Bible is about, they will likely respond, "Of course, Jesus!". However, even a rudimentary analysis of the Bible would reveal that there are two distinct categories of books, being the Old and New Testament. A slightly deeper analysis would reveal that...

the Old Testament proclaims a Jewish Messiah will come, and the New Testament argues that the Jewish Messiah is Jesus of Nazareth.

The Old Testament makes specific, measurable, and clear prophecies regarding the coming of the Jewish Messiah. Therefore, the burden of proof is on the New Testament authors to make reasonable, sound, and convincing arguments from the Old Testament which clearly demonstrate Jesus is in fact the Jewish Messiah, a burden which the Old Testament does not share.

Unlike the Old Testament, which proclaims, the New Testament must argue.

However, Christians often take this for granted and skip to conclusions made by the New Testament authors, as if they are in the business of making proclamations about the Messiah without ever evaluating the arguments as such.

Our task

At The Gospel Audit Project, we challenge Christians to take a fresh approach: not to assume, but to examine. Our content invites readers to step into a mindset of critical inquiry – just for the sake of argument – and weigh the New Testament’s claims on their own merits.

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